Unique Steps: Where Dance Meets Diversity and Community

Unique Steps Dance Academy
19 North Washington Street
(508) 643-3100

Since 2010, Unique Steps has been more than just a dance studio; it's been a beacon of inclusivity, creativity, and community in North Attleborough. Founded by Melissa Medeiros, a passionate advocate for dance education and inclusion, Unique Steps was born out of a desire to transform the landscape of dance education and offer something truly unique.

At Unique Steps, they offer a blend of traditional dance conservatory training and a therapeutic dance program tailored for children and young adults with special needs. Unlike other studios focused solely on competitions and plastic trophies, they prioritize quality dance education through their conservatory while also providing therapeutic programs led by licensed professionals trained to support a neuro diverse population.

Located in the heart of North Attleborough's downtown, their studio's bright windows reflect their commitment to openness and inclusivity. For Melissa, choosing North Attleborough was a personal decision rooted in her love for the close-knit community and the deep connections it holds, including cherished memories with her Grammy.

As a company deeply embedded in the community, they believe in giving back. The studio actively supports an underserved population through their therapeutic programs, and their performance team spreads joy through community performances, enriching the lives of all who witness their talent and dedication.

At Unique Steps, they pride themselves on being exactly that - unique. Their name reflects their commitment to standing out, embracing diversity, and fostering a supportive environment where every dancer can thrive.